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Project Updates

Air Products is committed to open and continuous engagement with residents, local governments, and civic and community organizations. We view it as very important to the community to make ourselves available, and in true Air Products spirit, our efforts go beyond the regulatory requirement for this project.

Air Products is an extremely safety-oriented company when it comes to our people, the surrounding community and its residents, and the environment, and we will continue outreach to talk about the project and its environmental and economic benefits. 

May 2024

On Monday, May 20, Air Products held a hydrogen safety training session with Chief McDonald and members of the Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Environmental Response Team. The training provided an overview of the properties and applications of hydrogen, the potential risks and risk mitigation strategies, and a discussion of the respective emergency response roles and responsibilities. Air Products and the HAVFD both committed to ongoing training and joint emergency response drills in the future.

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023

October 2023

Reach our Massena Green Hydrogen project team.

Air Products is committed to open and continuous engagement with residents, local governments, and civic and community organizations.